Odin's horse, ready to go. This isn't a release, so anyone with the proper authority shouldn't go posting it as one. This is essentially a favor done for the owner of PaperCraftMuseum.com. I said I didn't want to build this thing. He said he did. My blood pressure was raised trying to lay out this horrible mess of a model, and now here it is. Or at least half of it. I'm hoping this will buy me enough time to not have to worry about laying out Odin for a while. Just thought I'd post it here as opposed to e-mailing it to him alone, because there may be someone else insane enough to try it. Or you can just marvel at how terrible it is. Whatever, your call.

Finished getting the last of my old releases in the MediaFire folder, but there were some consequences. While fixing up my first release, the Cardian, I got all nostalgic. Despite the other models I've released (there really aren't that many of them,) I still love the Cardian most. So I've played around with the textures to make one a little more "mine," and I'll probably make him again for fun. And yes I realize black and white with purple accents is super-bland, but it's a good example of the fun you can have playing around with textures to customize. Remember, if you'd like to do the same for any of my models, just send me a message and I'll be happy to send you the necessary files to mod your own.
And with that, I'm going to bed. Good lord, it's nearly 5 AM @_@
and paperkraft.net posted it already :P
Yes, and I really wish he hadn't. That's specifically why I said "this isn't a release, so don't go posting it as one." Ugh...
the downloadlink is broken...
can somebody fix it?
this papercraft is build in a tutorial at PaperCraftMuseum.com and it was the first one i've seen.
i'd like to try it by my own, but without the pdo its very difficult^^'
sorry if my english isn't perfect...greetings from germany
Link is dead(
*rolloverandbeggin* Make this link work again... I'm more than insane enough to try it! Pleeeeaaaazzzeeee!!!
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