Shinra Helicopter
Another Crisis Core mini-release, akin to Genesis' Sword. If you've checked the project list recently, you'll know that this is only the first part of a larger plan to build a more detailed version of the same chopper. This is just one that someone with only a few hours to kill would want to build, not a full blown weekend project like the more detailed iteration will be.

Also posted this in the MediaFire folder and on DeviantArt a little while back. I mentioned the link in the shoutbox, but in case you missed it:
Anyway, I've been getting plenty of layouts ready for build over the last few days (it's all been Ustream'd, so you can go back and skim through it if you like, or watch me as it happens next time), and this is the first of the stack to get tackled. I've also got the Kingdom Hearts Moogle in there, as well as Fargo and Lynx from Chrono Cross, and three more FFXI artifact helmets (Puppet Master, Scholar, and Dark Knight). I also finished the layout for Cecil's Dark Knight incarnation this morning (actually yesterday morning/early afternoon, as it's now about twoish in the "am"). I plan to build the stack over the next week, but even if I get them all done, I'm going to save the Dark Knight helmet for when I finish both Cecils and package them as one big release.
So in the meantime, stay tuned. It looks to be a good week of releases.
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